Some of the fhings that tell us bats are mammals.
A long time ago, popale used to think bats were birds without feathers.
the Appearance and fight moving of bats 5205million remains of onychonycteris finney but also in others known PREHISTORIC species.
They are the only mammals that can fly without an airplane flying squirrels are mammals too, but they dont really fly.
But now we that bats are a mammals, just like mane.
Bats are warm blooded
Bats nurse with milk have fur.
Thay jump from high in a tree glide throught the like a kite.
Bats flap their wings and fly like a birds.
There are flaing bardin in the trees and he eting a fish as they are terrestrial and light-bolned .
Bats make up the order chiropera.
Another eocene bat, onychonyctris finneyi was found in the 52 millon-year-old GREEN RIVER FORMATION in wyoming, united stats in 2003.
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